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The Breland Ledger

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Official Site Update

Sharn Inquisitive, News for Sul, Zarantyr 15th, 998: Arranash Execution Set for Midnight

SHARN -- Sesko Arranash, who was convicted of treason last month for attempting to sell information about Argonth's magical defenses, will be executed by hanging tonight at midnight. "Arranash will pay the ultimate price for his traitorous scheme," said Knight-Marshal Banarak Tithon. "And the nation of Breland will sleep better tonight knowing that no one can escape its justice."

Scaffolding for the Arranash execution is being erected today in front of Andith Tower in the Ambassador Towers district. The public is invited to witness the execution. Knights of the King's Citadel said that because Arranash is a powerful spellcaster, he will be bound, gagged, and blindfolded prior to the hanging. Read More...