Want to help the Breland Ledger?
Would you like to help the Breland Ledger live up to its claim of being the web's most frequently-updated Eberron news site? Send an e-mail to brelandledger@gmail.com explaining how you could help up keep the world up to date on Eberron releases, fan-created content, videogames and other licensed products, novels and more! We're looking for up to two more regular staff members to post 2-3 updates per week.
In site news, the Eberron Journal is still offline due to the mysterious cancellation of the web hosting we've never paid for. We're currently searching for a free hosting option for the Journal. If you already run a gaming site and would be willing to host the Eberron Journal, please contact us.
In site news, the Eberron Journal is still offline due to the mysterious cancellation of the web hosting we've never paid for. We're currently searching for a free hosting option for the Journal. If you already run a gaming site and would be willing to host the Eberron Journal, please contact us.
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